The Record360 mobile application supports integrating with external systems to search and retrieve customer-specific Asset information, and incorporate it into the Record360 Transaction. Customers can provide a simple API to allow importing of real-time data from their systems into the Record360 system at the time of inspection.

Autocomplete/Search API

When the user first begins an inspection, they are prompted to type a value for the Reference Number field. If the value is two or more characters long, a GET request is made to this API endpoint to attempt to autocomplete the Reference Number. The only parameter to this endpoint is the partial Reference Number string passed as search. The response is in JSON format, and includes a results object which maps potential Reference Number strings to opaque identifiers in the customer’s system. For example:

GET https://host.domain/service/v1?search=FOO

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
  "results": {
    "FOOD": 123,
    "FOOL": 234,
    "FOOTBALL": 345
  "more": false

If the response contains all possible Reference Number matches, the more field is false, and the client will not make any more Search API requests for that inspection. If the more field is true, further requests will be made to refine the possible completions as the user inputs more characters.

Once the user has selected a complete Reference Number, the associated opaque identifier is then used to query the Details API.

Item Details API

The Details API takes the opaque identifier returned by the Search API and returns a JSON object containing any customer-specific information to be mapped into the Record360 Transaction. For example:

GET https://host.domain/service/v1/345

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate


Both API endpoint URLs are independently configurable in the Record360 Workflow, and may contain any path or others parameter needed by the API (e.g. for authentication), so long as it accepts the search and ID parameters as described above.

There is a configuration process for mapping the data provided by the Item Details API into particular Transaction fields, but it is outside the scope of this document.